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Postfix – certificate verification failed

Postfix Logo

Another email server issue. Coincidentally, I noticed an error in the maillog when sending to my email address. Mar 2 15:13:40 mail postfix/smtp[28811]: certificate verification failed for[]:25: untrusted issuer /O=Digital Signature Trust Co./CN=DST Root CA X3 As it turned out, there was nothing wrong with the certificate or the issuer on the receiving end. […]

Cloning a WordPress Site – Guide

Dolly the Sheep - The Original Clone

cloning: -copy files to working directory (not in a live environment which can be accessed via HTTP) -copy database; create a new user and password for the database. -edit wp-config.php –database credentials –secret keys –any directory related entries –set jetpack to developer -also check wp-settings.php –historically, there haven’t been hard coded directories in here, but […]

Security Certificates: How To Obtain Free Certificates; Why You Might Want To Buy One

Security Certificates: How To Obtain Free Certificates; Why You Might Want To Buy One

What Are Security (SSL) Certificates & Why Do You Need One For Your Website? Security certificates provide the means for private, encrypted communication between your website & your viewers via HTTPS.  If you visit a website which is secured via HTTPS, there will be a green padlock in the location bar of your web browser. […]

Adding admin user to WordPress database

Adding admin user to WordPress database

From: Editing the wp_users table Click on the table you want to view Click on the Insert tab We will need to insert a row into the database with our admin users information. Click on the “Insert” tab in order to bring up the phpMyAdmin insert form. Insert the following information: user_login – this […]