I am the sole proprietor of Maritime Method Software.  I have a keen interest in breaking down barriers & providing access to technology.

My current technical focus is developing custom technology solutions, utilizing free/libre and open-source software wherever appropriate.  I have experience using and modifying both the Drupal and WordPress Content Management Systems; I’ve been working on custom modules and themes.  It continues to be a great learning experience.

I’m also learning more about 3D Printing technology, specifically with the RepRap self-replicating manufacturing machine, as well as automation with the Arduino programmable microcontroller and Raspberry Pi.

My experience with computers began when family members introduced the Commodore 64 personal computer.

My family is from Sydney Mines, Cape Breton.  My grandparents, from both sides of the family, owned and operated small businesses.  My parents Shawn & Sandra ran an art studio and wood shop out of the basement of our home. The entrepreneurial spirit runs strong in our family. Sometimes I sound like a Caper, and in some ways I am, but I was born in Halifax and went to school in both Milford and Shubenacadie.

I moved to Halifax in 1999 to attend university, graduating with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Mathematics and Computing Science.

Nova Scotia is my home; it’s a uniquely enriching place and I plan to stay. I wouldn’t be who I am today without the spirit and encouragement of like-minded Maritimers.

I’ve continued to study part-time at Dalhousie University when I can, particularly interested in biology and computational genomics.  I tutor mathematics and I’m quite involved with music.

Email Contact: Steve@MaritimeMethod.software